Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Final: Reflective Post

My experience in this course when learning about adaptive technologies in the classroom settings has truly taught me some of the most bizarre things I have ever learned, but at the same time I have gained a new view of how to enhance the classroom environment.  From what I have learned from the various discussion posts, are how technologies are not only improving our education standards by allowing students to use certain technologies to advance their learning at a faster rate, but the technology also has various ways of improving relationships among students and the teachers.  I learned from several group projects, like designing a wiki,  how beneficial communication on the internet can be when trying to carry out a task, because when you have people critique on your work you can understand better ways to improve your work.  In my wiki I was worried about the written content of my page the most, but someone pointed out to me that it was just fine, but I needed to enhance the page by offering more imagery to make what I am conveying more clear.  So we learn that our own opinion may just be blinding us to what truly needs improvement, and with the help of a fellow classmates who are looking over the pages we can get more than one perspective of what needs improvement.  Something else I found out through the discussions is how technology makes things easier for certain students in the classroom that may not speak the same language, or has a type of impairment that may hinder their learning rate.  I have learned that there are various adaptive technologies aimed at helping these students like with software that are either meant to help teach the child or teacher a second language; something else I found fascinating was how some websites are designed to accommodate special needs children and allow them to learn through their preferred way.
My only real concerns for the course is that I feel that while technology is beneficial to learning in various ways, I feel that there should more lessons about the vulnerabilities that apply to technology.  Granted the book did highlight several of these, but I later learned that the book only scratches the top of these vulnerabilities such as cyberbullying, as in one discussion I found that there were various ways to cyberbully that I did not consider.  If there were more lessons on this I feel that more educators are to be aware of the potential dangers that comes with learning with technology.  I know for fact that I have mastered all of the learning outcomes as I have better enhanced my communication among classmates and professor (COM).  I have no trouble applying critical thinking standards when analyzing an assignment (CT).  I have definitely learned how to use different internet to technologies to collect and manage data (TIM).  I am very aware of a lot of the diverse issues that arise from technology (GSR).  Lastly I fully understand the quantitative reasoning when it comes to applying the more scientific aspects of technology.  Overall that has been one of the most informative courses I have been in since starting college.  Here a video that I found represents some of my views of the technological classroom.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Nemroff Pictures. (2014, January 28). Technology in Education: A Future Classroom. Retrieved December 10, 2015, from

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your reflective comments! Your focus on the adaptive technologies and cyberbullying as content help to demonstrate areas for you to continue to explore. As with any introductory course, we simply skim the surface of a variety of topics and don't dig as deep as you will do in future and upper level courses. I'm so glad that you honed in on some of the other skills you learned regarding both technology and working with others - both are priority in the teaching/learning process at some level. Hopefully, you can find ways to continue this learning journey in preparing for your future teaching career! :)
